Thursday, October 18, 2007

A little blood and gore

I don't know...It kinda looks like one of those aliens that the military found in Roswell New Mexico. It also seems apparent that their top-secret cover up must have gotten out of control, ending in a bloody mess. I'll need to investigate this matter further, but can you guess what this is? Is this some prop from a movie set or was this thing actually alive and real? Send comments please. Well that's all the images I have at the moment. Again, I must stress that people "please" send scary images. Also send a short (or long) comment for the image. Halloween is approaching.......



Gary said...

dang, that thing is nasty-looking!

Gary said...

hey, if you want to see a truly frightening image, check this

AZZITIZZ said...

My first thought was a cute baby seal that had been culled for it's skin!
Hope I'm wrong.

Marion of London said...

It is obviously the pathetic remains of what was a beautiful young animal.

A seal pup battered to death in the name of greed.

at Least I hope it was battered to death. Many of them are merely skinned alive, not being worth the effort of whacking on the head. After all, it's hardly going to jump and defend itself, is it.